Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rosemount Australian Fashion Week 2010 Personal Highlight

Part of my continued exploration into the realm of fashion of late, has involved keeping up with the Rosemount Australian fashion week (online, I wasn't actually there). It seems to mainly focus on quite contemporary kinds of fashion, and was really my first experience with what I saw as a real runway show. I was impressed by the way the shows mix not the clothes, the music, the atmosphere. Although the clothes are the focus, they are supplemented by all the other aspects around them. (Perhaps designers should implement aspects of smell and touch as well, to please all the senses, perhaps.)

Anyway, here are some of my personal highlights. Click images to see larger.

Fernardo Frisoni


Friedrich Gray

Lui Hon

Stolen Girlfriends Club

All images are from www.fashionising.com

For further coverage of the event, including runway videos and full collection shots, go to:
P.S. Apologies for lack of blogging, school does that.

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